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      • Suggestion: Reward Bait instead of Fillets for Fishing Daily

        in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

        Posted March 14, 2022

        The title pretty much somes it up. I can get fish fillets by the bucketful just fishing anywhere. If we could get a handful of some of the more interesting bait for doing the fishing daily, that'd feel like a much more fun reward.

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        • Meta + Strike Missions = Turtle. No thank you.

          in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

          Posted March 14, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

          8 minutes ago, sokeenoppa.5384 said:

          Ok let me get this straight. We have a game that you like to play, game adds content that you dont have to play unless you want something that is pretty much useless and now you dont want to play the game at all?

          The funny thing about this is that it feels like the players who enjoy the content needed to dothe turtle are the ones who don't think it's very interesting, while those who are most likely to enjoy the turtle are the ones less likely to enjoy the things it's been gated behind.

          Generalization, and I'm sure I'll get a few people who love strikes and challenging group content saying they love their new turtle, but overall that's my perception.

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          • EoD seem kinda cool, but Anet should announce they will work on 4th Expansion

            in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

            Posted March 14, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

            10 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

            This part stands out more now that EoD has released huh?

            I dunno, how do you think "Hey we're working on the next expansion" would be received by the community at this point?

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            • Meta + Strike Missions = Turtle. No thank you.

              in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

              Posted March 14, 2022

              Mama ArenaNet: "Come on Sue, just try the broccoli (dungeon, response mission, fractal), you might like it."

              Papa ArenaNet: "Sue, you don't get dessert (turtle) unless you eat the broccoli!"

              Mama ArenaNet: "Susie, what if we call them little trees (strikes!) instead of broccoli (instanced groups)? Would you eat it then?"

              Big Brother: "Sis, just choke it down (find a group to carry you). It's not as bad as Brussels sprouts (raids)!"


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              • Anyone else disappointed?

                in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                Posted March 14, 2022

                29 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

                Isit that much shorter than the stories from previous expansions?

                That's a good question. It may just feel like it with the way it sort of jumps over what feels like should be more story build. It'd be interesting to see how it actually measures out in comparison to the other two.

                We also have the LW seasons that attach to both expansions to look back on, so maybe that's making it feel shorter, too.

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                • If you beat the Dragon's End meta for the Turtle mount - your headache isn't over just yet.

                  in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                  Posted March 14, 2022

                  14 minutes ago, VPK.1796 said:

                  Forums are just noise to them, they only rely on real data.

                  The funny thing about data is that people can read it many different ways. Anyone who has participated in a business meeting knows the pain of how wildly people can draw conclusions from data to support their preconceptions or desires. And it’s often the most dynamic personalities that sway the interpretation that the group settles on.

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                • Posted March 14, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                  I’ve been enjoying the maps, fishing, and I’m just starting to explore the newespecs.

                  I was disappointed the story seemed short and choppy. Characters feel like they’re just getting built up to be interesting and then they are gone. We learn about new problems and then they are quickly solved.

                  I’m disappointedthe siege turtle wasn’t unlocked early in the story to be used as we played it but instead put at the end.

                  Im most disappointed thatArenaNet has decided to push us into strikes, locking the turtle and Jade botupgrades behind them. I see no reason why open world features should be locked behind instanced group content where you can’t even use them.

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                  • The line in the sand

                    in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                    Posted March 14, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                    1 hour ago, Izzy.2951 said:

                    Indeed, im just so amazed by the amount of ppl saying "but turtle was announced in the promo", and its in the game. Skyscale is x1000 times worst getting it, and its actually neccesary for QoL in vertical maps...

                    Legendarys werepromoted with the expansion too, and doesnt mean your gonna get them for free. I dont have one, pls arenanet give me all the legendarys! i paid for the box.

                    Legendaries, since day one, have been about the long time commitment, huge cost, and having to touch many areas of the game.

                    On-the-Box-Features have always been handed to players simply and easily to be used to play the new expansion, not as a reward for completing the expansion and as a stick to drive players into the content ArenaNet wants.

                    Gliding - Unlocked day one. Masteries take some play to level up.

                    Raptor - Unlocked day one. Masteries take a little bit of play.

                    Rest of PoF mounts - Do a heart, pay a small amount of gold. Needto level up a previous mount mastery a little to access.

                    Nobody wants every reward handed to them for nothing. You’re making a straw man argument.

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                    • Pls remove the story completion requirement for Specialization weapon collection

                      in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                      Posted March 14, 2022

                      3 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

                      Are you sure the collection step isn't done? I did the story on both a soulbeast and a dragonhunter (one pof, one hot elite) and got the collection entrieswithout problem at the end of "The Only One".

                      I think that’s my problem. I hadn’t spent the hero points on mechanist at all, and played through the whole story. I unlocked mechanist and went through Cycle Reborn without it triggering. Looks like I’ll need to go repay the final fight of The Only One to get it.


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                      • Why do you even want the turtle?

                        in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                        Posted March 14, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                        2 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

                        Not only in MMOs, if mobas or any other online game would give you all the rewards and the best positioning for free, there would be really no point in playing them.

                        Though in these games you play the MOBA to get rewards to play the MOBA. If said MOBA required you to play Sudoku to unlock the best positioning, how would the players react?

                        The problem here is that an MMO has several, varied types of content, and in order to try and get the players to do one type, ArenaNet has locked the features of a different kind of content behind it.

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                        • Why do you even want the turtle?

                          in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                          Posted March 14, 2022

                          26 minutes ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

                          People are aggressive to each other because their education, western cultural background tells them they are eligible to get everything presented on a gold plateddinner tray without working on it. An MMO is made for longevity and longevity means you can't get everything fast. Deal with it.

                          It’s not about fast, it’s about specific types of content people don’t enjoy. That’s why we have the perennial complaint threads about GoB, world completion, and jumping puzzles.

                          Sometimes ANet gets it, and offers multiple avenues to achieve rewards, like legendary armor. Other times, they decide they want to push players into one type of content, so they make things exclusive.

                          It really should only be desirable cosmetics and achievement points that are locked exclusivelybehind niche content.

                          Expansion defining features like the turtle and fully upgraded Jade bots should not. It’s doubly bizarre that these things are locked behind strikes, when you can use neither of them there. At least when ascended gear was first released, fractal players had the argument that it was only really useful inside fractals.

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                          • If you beat the Dragon's End meta for the Turtle mount - your headache isn't over just yet.

                            in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                            Posted March 14, 2022

                            Remember when it was mostly just cosmetics locked behind instanced group content?

                            Good times.

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                            • Turtle Strike Mission, end of the line

                              in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                              Posted March 14, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                              3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

                              What exactly do you mean by "expansion core features"?

                              I quoted it somewhere here in one of these many threads, but not interested in chasing it down at the moment. Nevertheless, if you watch the turtle guild chat preview, one of the devs (sorry, I'm terrible at remembering names) talks about it being an "on-the-box" feature, and one of the main features of the game. I don't think he uses the specific word "core", but at least for ArenaNet they did single it out as a uniquely important EoD feature in that video.

                              Please note before you argue against anything I'm not saying here, that all I'm pointing out is that ArenaNet said it was a specially prominent feature.

                              EDIT: Hey, someone responded to that post, inadvertently finding it for me through notices.

                              Nick Hernandez -"This is a staple piece, and kinda one of the main features we're shipping for this expansion. It's one of the back-of-the-box features..."

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                              • Pls remove the story completion requirement for Specialization weapon collection

                                in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                Posted March 14, 2022

                                So is it the final fight that triggers it? I played through the story on my Holosmith and forgot about trying to switch it to Mechanist right at the end. So I replayed the Cycle Reborn, both the arborstone celebration and the small gathering afterward, but no credit. I take it I really need to do the final fight of The Only One to actually get the collection item?

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                                • Can we have a way to merge all Portal Tome/Scrolls?

                                  in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                  Posted March 13, 2022

                                  I’m not arguing against it. I said I supported it. I just don’t think it’s likely. I’ll be happy if they prove me wrong.

                                  • Can we have a way to merge all Portal Tome/Scrolls?

                                    in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                    Posted March 13, 2022

                                    This is an oft repeated request.

                                    I’d like it, too, but think it’s unlikely ArenaNet will do it because portal scrolls are a prime motivator for people to buy shared inventory slots.

                                    • Anyone else can't stand Joon?

                                      in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                      Posted March 13, 2022

                                      2 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

                                      i miss the blood/violence of personal history.

                                      We should have killed her.

                                      the history is over-americanized:nobody is bad, they are all people with psychological problems, the commander could save the world by opening a doctor's office.

                                      Adversaries with motivation is an American thing?

                                      More like a realistic thing. People don’t sit around rubbing their hands together plotting evil and cackling to themselves. They lash out due to fear or anger over feeling wronged, even if those fears or that anger is totally delusional.

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                                      • The line in the sand

                                        in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                        Posted March 13, 2022

                                        14 minutes ago, SexyMofo.8923 said:

                                        At least in pvp I can afk. I actually have to play this meta.

                                        I think you’re missing the true vision here. The next big meta, which will require PvP, will also require your team to win to unlock the new core mechanic. You will also need personally toreach a threshold of enemy player kills.

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                                        • Why do you even want the turtle?

                                          in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                          Posted March 13, 2022

                                          50 minutes ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

                                          I have to say thanks for everyone for their honest answers even if some were a little heated. I feel the expansion itself was the "main feature of the expansion" but we all paid for different reasons, I suppose.

                                          Maybe if you could use the turtle in wvw it would make more sense for me to work hard for it.

                                          I will definitely get it when it's easier. I'm just trying to understand why people are so angry at each other.

                                          There's a lot of hate in the world, it's just hard to watch my favorite game devolve into that mess.😟

                                          My take is that the turtle isn’t really the issue that’s causing people to be angry. It’s that a portion of the player base is feeling pushed into content they don’t enjoy in a way that’s been pretty rare in this game, and the portion of the player base that does enjoy itfeels their content is threatened because of it.

                                          Atenanet served us some pepperoni pizza a lamode and put a reward behind eating it all down. Because the pizza lovers feel like mostly they just get served ice cream, they’re happy to defend this unappetizing blend because, hey, at least it means more pizza. Meanwhilethe ice cream lovers can’t understand why someone wants them to eat pizza so much.

                                          The reward is just the thing that keeps everyone from just walking away from the weird experiment and going back to eating what they like. But it’sthe heavy-handed attempt to get one portion of the player base doing another portion of the game that’s the real cause.

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                                          • The line in the sand

                                            in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                            Posted March 13, 2022

                                            9 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

                                            Hard no. There already exists a mode for PvP. No need to inject that into open world PvE. Please use the forums search feature to find the previous PvP in OW threads to understand the push-back against this concept. 😉

                                            Aw, but players who love every part of the game should have the chance to sing those timeless refrains, “If You Want the Rewards You Got To Do the Work,” “It’s Not as Bad as X,” “ArenaNet Just Wants Players to Try It” and that perennial classic, “Whiners Just Want Everything Handed to Them On a Silver Platter.”

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                                            • For a game whose original core values included the elimination of repetitive grind...

                                              in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                              Posted March 12, 2022

                                              10 minutes ago, Artemis.8034 said:

                                              If someone would have said the gw2 forums would be a hot topic of fishing 3 months ago, I would have laughed them off the forums. My god how fishing has become the top content for a lot of people.

                                              I was a fishing skeptic, but now I’ve fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker.

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                                              • Must have keybindings

                                                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                Posted March 12, 2022

                                                3 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

                                                Other thing worth binding is your mounts. Num keys are out of the way enough to bind them to.

                                                I was surprised to read you want them out of the way. I have my mount keys as close as I can get them because I dismount and remount constantly as I cross terrain, picking the best mount in the moment for where I am headed.

                                                • For a game whose original core values included the elimination of repetitive grind...

                                                  in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                                  Posted March 12, 2022

                                                  1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

                                                  Sure, and the giant slayer achievement took forever back when the game launched. If you don't get those collections what are you missing out on? We've always had grindy achievements that was my point. If you're going to achievement hunt, as I do, there are going to be achievements that are a huge time sink. My wife just got her 43k chest and I'm not far behind her. I've been doing grindy achievements since launch. It's a bit late to complain about them, unless there's something special we need those achievements for.

                                                  Ah, I read your statement as not being aware that they were necessary for the achievements. I understand what you were intending, now.

                                                  • Bladesworn Weapon switching

                                                    in Warrior

                                                    Posted March 12, 2022

                                                    25 minutes ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

                                                    Engineers dealt with it, why can't yall? Just asking for a friend

                                                    To be fair, we can run more than one kit.

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                                                    • Why do you play Guild Wars 2?

                                                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                      Posted March 12, 2022

                                                      I played GW2 because of the manifesto. Because at first the devs had a clear vision of an MMOunlike other MMOs. I played because of a lack of gear power treadmill. I played for fluid combat.

                                                      I play because of the beautiful world. The hidden things in the nooks and crannies.

                                                      I used to play because the only thing locked behind instanced group content was cosmetics, but that’s changed, unfortunately.

                                                      I played because the writing was pretty kid friendly, but that’s changing, too.

                                                      I play at this point because my family and I still have stuff left to do from the expansion we paidfor, but it might be time to go on an extended break again in the near future.

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