Professional Tuition and Fees (2023-2024 Archive) (2025)

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The Ohio State University's tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees; and as mandated by the State of Ohio. Tuition and fees may vary by college and academic program. In addition, students should anticipate expenses such as books, supplies, travel, recreation and personal items. The university reserves the right to assess fees for special services and programs applicable to students.

Autumn 2023, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 Fee Tables

Tuition and Fees Table


ProgramInstructional Fee1General Fee 1Student Union Fee1Program Fees (Flat Rate)Non-Resident Surcharge (Flat Rate)Non- Resident Surcharge 1

Dentistry - Rank 12


Dentistry - Ranks 2, 3, 42

Law-Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.)4$2,069.00$29.88$9.30$251.004$953.25
Medicine - Rank 15$1,882.75$20.50$9.30$1,557.50
Medicine - Rank 25$1,882.75$20.50$9.30$1,557.50
Medicine - Rank 35$1,882.75$20.50$9.30$416.63
Medicine - Rank 45$1,889.75$20.50$9.30$416.63
Optometry - Rank 1$1,768.63$29.88$9.30


Optometry - Rank 2$1,768.63$29.88$9.30


Optometry - Ranks 3 and 4$1,570.13$20.50$9.30


Pharmacy - Rank 1$1,629.13$29.88$9.30$1,750.70
Pharmacy - Ranks 2, 3, 4$1,629.13$29.88$9.30$5.00
Veterinary Medicine - Rank 1$2,133.50$29.88$9.30


Veterinary Medicine - Rank 2$2,133.50$29.88$9.30$202.502$5.00
Veterinary Medicine - Rank 3$2,133.50$29.88$9.30$277.502$5.00
Veterinary Medicine - Rank 4$2,133.50$29.88$9.30$361.002$5.00

1Students pay a half credit hour fee for 0.0-0.5 credit hour. Per credit hour fee is not to exceed the total cost of 8 credit hours.

2Hand Piece Fee assessed twice per career; the first fee $ 2,255.75 and the second fee is $ 1,360.75. Digital and Dental Material Fee (Clinic Fee) of $2,000 is assessed annually starting with students admitted autumn 2023 or after; students will be assessed the fee in the first enrolled term in an academic year.

3Clinical Education Support Fee

4Bar Prep/Regalia Fee | Law students also pay a one-time $45 Bar Association Fee and a one-time $25 Transcript Fee the first-time enrolled in the LAW career.

5Medicine students also pay a $66 Learning Technology Fee prorated by credit hour and a $100 3D Printing Supplies Fee (Course Fee) per semester.

6Equipment Fee

7Association Fee assessed in the first semester of enrollment in an academic year.

Per Semester Fees


All Non-Distance Learning Programs have the following fees per semester:

FeeFee Amount
Student Activity Fee$37.50
Recreational Fee - The recreation fee is a flat fee for four or more credit hours.$126.50
COTA Fee - The COTA fee goes to the Central Ohio Transit Authority for student bus passes.$13.50


All Distance Learning programs (All Campuses) have a $100 Distance Learning Program Fee.


Course fee(s) are designed to fund additional costs for specific courses. Any courses that require added materials and/or equipment will have this fee assessed each semester/term. The college or plan (major) determines the level of the course fee. To see if a particular course has a fee, please review the course fee listing below by campus.

All professional career courses are listed as Columbus regardless of the campus location of the course.

CourseFeeFee Amount
ANATOMY 2210COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6100COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6511COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6512COM Anatomy Course Fee$75
ANATOMY 6700COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6700COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6800COM Anatomy Course Fee$50
ANATOMY 6900COM Anatomy Course Fee$150
ANATOMY 7310COM Anatomy Course Fee$50
ANATOMY 8140COM Anatomy Course Fee$50
ART 3207Sculpture Materials Fee$120
ART 4106Art Materials Fee$180
ART 4301Art Materials Fee$60
ART 4902Ceramics Materials Fee$120
ART 5193.50Photography Materials Fee$120
ART 5193.70Sculpture Materials Fee$120
ART 5194.70Sculpture Materials Fee$120
ART 5202Art Materials Fee$90
ART 5202Art Materials Fee$180
ART 5302Art Materials Fee$120
ART 5335Digital Media Materials Fee$120
ART 5558Art Materials Fee$120
ART 5995Printmaking Materials Fee$120
ART 6692Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6693Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6695Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6696Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6697Art Materials Fee$120
ART 7792Art Materials Fee$180
ART 7793Art Materials Fee$240
ART 7795Art Materials Fee$120
ART 7796Art Materials Fee$120
ART 7797Art Materials Fee$120
ART 8893Art Materials Fee$240
ART 8895Art Materials Fee$120
ART 8896Art Materials Fee$120
ART 8897Art Materials Fee$120
AVIATN 2101Airport class fee$7,910
AVIATN 2101.01Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2101.02Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2102Airport class fee$8,475
AVIATN 2102.01Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2102.02Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2102.03Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2102.04Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2501Airport class fee$9,040
AVIATN 2501.01Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2501.02Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2501.03Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2501.04Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2501.05Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 3101Airport class fee$10,961
AVIATN 3101.01Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 3101.02Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 3101.03Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 4101Airport class fee$16,950
AVIATN 4101.01Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 4101.02Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 4301Airport class fee$6,780
AVIATN 5101Airport class fee$7,910
AVIATN 5101.01Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 5101.02Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 5101.03Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 5101.04Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 5101.06Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 5102Airport class fee$7,345
AVIATN 5201Airport class fee$3,000
BIOCHEM 5621Bio Chem Lab Fee$84
BIOCHEM 5621Biology Lab Fee$84
BIOCHEM 6706Bio Chem Lab Fee$84
BIOLOGY 1101Biology Lab Fee$134
BIOLOGY 1101EColumbus Biological Sciences Laboratory$134
BIOLOGY 1113Bio Chem Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1113Biology Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1113HBio Chem Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1113HBiology Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1114Biology Lab Fee$134
BIOLOGY 1114HBiology Lab Fee$134
BIOLOGY 2100Bio Chem Lab Fee$150
CHEM 1110Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1210Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1220Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1250Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1610Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1620Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1910HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1920HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2210Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2210HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2540Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2550Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2940HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2950HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 4410Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 4550Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 4880Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 7480Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
EDUTL 1001American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1002American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1003American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1004American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1005American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1006American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1007American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1010American Language Program Fee$8,185
EEOB 7210Bio Chem Lab Fee$20
EEOB 7310Bio Chem Lab Fee$60
KNSFHP 1102EHE First Aid and CPR Lab Fee$20
KNSFHP 1143.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1151EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1154.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1164.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1164.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.03EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.05EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.08EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.10EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1170.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1171.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1171.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1175.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1182.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1182.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1185.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1188.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1195.03EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
MOLGEN 1101Bio Chem Lab Fee$90
MOLGEN 5643Bio Chem Lab Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.01School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.02School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.35School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.41School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 2216.11School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.12School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.21School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.31School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.32School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.34School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.36School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.37School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.41School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.42School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.43School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.44School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.45School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.46School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.47School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.51School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.52School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.53School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.54School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.55School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.56School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.57School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.71School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.72School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.91School of Music Program Fee$1121
OCCTHER 6110Occup Ther Initial Course Fee$375
PHYSICS 1200Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1201Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1210Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1211Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1240Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1241Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1250Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1250HLaboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1251Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1251HLaboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1260Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1261Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSTHR 6021Phys Ther Initial Course Fee$500


Course fee(s) are designed to fund additional costs for specific courses. Any courses that require added materials and/or equipment will have this fee assessed each semester/term. The college or plan (major) determines the level of the course fee. To see if a particular course has a fee, please review the course fee listing below by campus.

All professional career courses are listed as Columbus regardless of the campus location of the course.

CourseFeeFee Amount
ANATOMY 2210COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6100COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6511COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6512COM Anatomy Course Fee$75
ANATOMY 6700COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6700COM Anatomy Course Fee$100
ANATOMY 6800COM Anatomy Course Fee$50
ANATOMY 6900COM Anatomy Course Fee$150
ANATOMY 7310COM Anatomy Course Fee$50
ANATOMY 8140COM Anatomy Course Fee$50
ART 3207Sculpture Materials Fee$120
ART 4106Art Materials Fee$180
ART 4301Art Materials Fee$60
ART 4902Ceramics Materials Fee$120
ART 5193.50Photography Materials Fee$120
ART 5193.70Sculpture Materials Fee$120
ART 5194.70Sculpture Materials Fee$120
ART 5202Art Materials Fee$90
ART 5202Art Materials Fee$180
ART 5302Art Materials Fee$120
ART 5335Digital Media Materials Fee$120
ART 5558Art Materials Fee$120
ART 5995Printmaking Materials Fee$120
ART 6692Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6693Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6695Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6696Art Materials Fee$120
ART 6697Art Materials Fee$120
ART 7792Art Materials Fee$180
ART 7793Art Materials Fee$240
ART 7795Art Materials Fee$120
ART 7796Art Materials Fee$120
ART 7797Art Materials Fee$120
ART 8893Art Materials Fee$240
ART 8895Art Materials Fee$120
ART 8896Art Materials Fee$120
ART 8897Art Materials Fee$120
AVIATN 1000.01Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.02Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.03Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.04Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.05Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.06Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.07Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.08Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.09Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.10Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.11Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.12Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.13Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.14Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 1000.15Airport class fee$1,000
AVIATN 2101Airport class fee$8,200
AVIATN 2102Airport class fee$11,700
AVIATN 2501Airport class fee$11,600
AVIATN 3101Airport class fee$12,400
AVIATN 4101Airport class fee$11,300
AVIATN 4102Airport class fee$12,200
AVIATN 4301Airport class fee$6,200
AVIATN 5101Airport class fee$9,000
AVIATN 5102Airport class fee$7,000
AVIATN 5201Airport class fee$3,500
BIOCHEM 5621Bio Chem Lab Fee$84
BIOCHEM 5621Biology Lab Fee$84
BIOCHEM 6706Bio Chem Lab Fee$84
BIOLOGY 1101Biology Lab Fee$134
BIOLOGY 1101EColumbus Biological Sciences Laboratory$134
BIOLOGY 1113.01Bio Chem Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1113.01Biology Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1113HBio Chem Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1113HBiology Lab Fee$150
BIOLOGY 1114.01Biology Lab Fee$134
BIOLOGY 1114HBiology Lab Fee$134
BIOLOGY 2100Bio Chem Lab Fee$150
CHEM 1110Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1210Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1220Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1250Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1610Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1620Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1910HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 1920HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2210Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2210HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2540Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2550Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2940HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 2950HLaboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 4410Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 4550Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 4880Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
CHEM 7480Laboratory Fee--Chemistry$225
EDUTL 1001American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1002American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1003American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1004American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1005American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1006American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1007American Language Program Fee$8,185
EDUTL 1010American Language Program Fee$8,185
EEOB 7210Bio Chem Lab Fee$20
EEOB 7310Bio Chem Lab Fee$60
KNSFHP 1102EHE First Aid and CPR Lab Fee$20
KNSFHP 1143.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1151EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1154.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1164.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1164.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.03EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.05EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.08EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1169.10EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1170.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1171.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1171.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1175.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1182.01EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1182.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1185.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1188.02EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
KNSFHP 1195.03EHE Sport Fitness Hlth Crse Fe$10
MOLGEN 1101Bio Chem Lab Fee$90
MOLGEN 5643Bio Chem Lab Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.01School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.02School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.35School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 1101.41School of Music Program Fee$60
MUSIC 2216.11School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.12School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.21School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.31School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.32School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.34School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.36School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.37School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.41School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.42School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.43School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.44School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.45School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.46School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.47School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.51School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.52School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.53School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.54School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.55School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.56School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.57School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.71School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.72School of Music Program Fee$1121
MUSIC 2216.91School of Music Program Fee$1121
OCCTHER 6110Occup Ther Initial Course Fee$375
PHYSICS 1200Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1201Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1210Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1211Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1240Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1241Laboratory Fee--Physics$75
PHYSICS 1250Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1250HLaboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1251Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1251HLaboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1260Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSICS 1261Laboratory Fee--Physics$300
PHYSTHR 6021Phys Ther Initial Course Fee$500

1Amount per credit hour

Additional Fees

Not all fees are represented above. Additional fees that may apply are detailed on the Explanation of Fees, Adjustments and Refunds page.

View Additional Fees that may apply

Total Cost of Attendance

Tuition and fees detailed on this page do not includehousing, anddiningoptions, financial aid or scholarships.Student Financial Aidprovides a cost of attendance tool that provides an early estimate of your total cost of attending The Ohio State University as a graduate or professional student:

View the Cost of Attendance Tool for Graduate and Professional Students


To view tuition and fees from prior years, see theFee Table Archive.

Professional Tuition and Fees (2023-2024 Archive) (2025)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

Last Updated:

Views: 6467

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.