Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (2025)

Stealthy shenanigans

Walkthrough, Guilds, Tips on this special game

Main Story Quest - Save the park!!!

The evil Mr. Pemberton is trying to use his illegal power to take away the park, where Sasquatch is living. Sasquatch is the only one that the animals can count on to save the park. Can you help Sasquatch to save the park?

Story #1 - Treasure Map Hunting

Mr. Pemberton, who is the owner of the park is going to close the park and change to commerical use. If the park is closed, the animals and Sasquatch will have no place to live. The only way to save the park is to buyout the park. There is a treasure that is hidden somewhere, and the treasure map has been splitted into 9 pieces. Can Sasquatch able to find all the treasure map pieces?

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (1)

All the map pieces locations

Talking Fish Map Piece

After you get your fishing rod, go back to sleep. You should able to see the talking fish in your pond. Use your rod to catch it. Then go to the pond in the golf course, and drop the fish, then you should able to get the map piece.

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (2)

The Golf Challenge Map Piece

Remember to get the PRO-Golf set from the Golf Course Store before you do this challenge. The person to start this quest is at the golf entry, talk to him to accept the challenge.The challenge is to win 3 hole golf tournament against him, if you win, then you will get the map piece.The challenge is not hard if you have the pro club. If you have problem with the golf, you can watch these videos to get the placement of each hole. 9 holes tournament and hole in one challenge

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (3)

The Racing Challenge Map Piece

The person to start this quest is located at the racing track entry, talk to him to accept the challenge.You have to have a car first before you can accept his challenge. If you want to be a sure win on this challenge, buy the most expensive car, then upgrade it to the max. After you win the race against him, he will give you the map piece.

The Bear and Bees Map Piece

The map is on the floor at the Lake area. However, you cannot able to reach it, since there are bees around the map.In order to get rid of the bees, you would need help from the bear on the right hand side of the map.The bear ask you for a fish. You would need to catch a fish using a fishing rod, then give him the fish. After that, he will help you to take out the bees, and then you can able to get the map piece on the floor.

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (5)

Duck lost Hat Map Piece

The duck at the RV C&D location ask you for help, he lost his hat and was capture by a person and kept in his RV.The RV is at the RV C&D location, which is at the north of the pond. The RV door is locked. In order to open the door, you would need to turn the radio to another channel. That will trigger the owner to come out from the RV, so now, go in and steal the hat. The task would be easy if you have cloth on.After you gave the hat to the duck, he will give you a map piece.

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (6)

The Bear Cave Map Piece

The map piece is sit inside o the Bear Cave. The Cave is located at the west of the RV A&B site.To go into the cave, you would need to buy the lamp from the raccoon. Bought the Lamp, then found the dynamite, and explode the rock in the cave, then you should able to found the map piece.

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (7)

The Maze Map Piece

There is a map piece sit at the end of the maze. To reach to the maze, you would need to by the paddle from raccoon.Then, go to the lake, and row the canoe to the south of the other side of the lake.Go in to the maze and reach to the end, you should able to find a duck and a map piece on the floor.

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (8)

The Ski Challenge Map Piece

The ski challenge person is located at the Ski Resort area, he will go around the lake, talk to him to accept the ski challenge.In order to start the ski challenge, you would need to buy the ski equipment from raccoon.The challenge is not hard, but there is a bug that after you won the challenge, you may not able to get the map.If this happened to you. Uninstall the App, Reinstall back, you should able to get the map. To win the ski challenge, you have to understand and know how to make a good landing. If you have issue of doing a good landing, I hope the following video may help you. How to ski with touch and how to do backflip

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (9)

Story #2 - Corporate Spy

After Sasquatch has buyout the park. Mr. Pemberton has another illegal plan that will able for him to take out the park once again. To stop Mr. Pemberton, Sasquatch now have to suit like a human, work in Mr. Pemberton's Corporation. Earn his trust, then steal the information and report to the police. Can Sasquatch once again able to save the park from the evil Mr. Pemberton?

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (10)

The following is step by step walkthrough

  • Obtains a Driver License

    In order to open a bank account, you would need to have personal ID - the Level C Driver License.Go to the race track, and ask for the driver license test. You will get your driving license after you passed the test.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (11)
  • Get a Suit

    You should dress up properly when you are going to have a job interview. Take a time in the Clothes Store in the town to find the proper suit for interview.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (12)
  • Obtains a Bank Account

    Working in a corporate, salary is going to pay through the bank account. Therefore, Sasquatch have to open an bank account first before apply for the number 555-2265 to book an appointment for the bank. The bank manager will help you to open a bank account.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (13)
  • Job Interview

    Remember to dress up when you are going for an interview. Sasquatch have unique strength, he should have no issue on interview.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (14)
  • Assistant Mail Clerk

    mmmmm. It is the mailroom boy. Anyway, this is the first Susquatch job, he should have a lot of fun with it. Remember all the employee's desk would be the hardest thing for Sasquatch. Each delivery will receive $60.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (15)
  • Item Delivery Techician

    Techician??? Don't know where this title came from. After Sasquatch hard work, Go to the HR at the first floor, then he will offer you a promotion. As a Item Delivery Techinian, you will have to go 2f to 5f and see is anyone needed help.Bring the drinks or food from Diner, Coffee Shop, or Supermarket.Each delivery will earn $80.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (16)
  • Technical Support

    Yeah!! Sasquatch finally have desk. After Sasquatch got promoted from Item Delivery Techician, he will start working on the 2nd floor. Everyone in the corporation doesn't know how to use computer.Help them to fix the computer (forgot to turn on?), then you will earn $100. Remember to bring the Operation System Disc from the cabinat with you, sometime, you may need to re-install the operating system.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (17)
  • Executive

    Executive boring like hell. You are working at 4 floor in a room. Check the computer for your schedule.Be there on time for your schedule will earn $120.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (18)
  • Spy

    After all the hard working, you will earn the trust from Mr. Pemberton. He will then give you the access card to the 6th floor.The illegal confidence information is stored in the safe. Last thing you need to figure out would be how to open the safe room door.There maybe some hidden switch in the room to open the door!!

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (19)

Story #3 - Park Pollution

The Water is total wrong in the park. They are green and smelly. Our Park is dying. Can Sasquatch abe to find out the cause of the issue, and save the Park once again?

Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (20)

The following is step by step walkthrough

  • Be a Policeman

    In order to investigate the Water of the park, Sasquatch has to be a policeman.Go and do the interview!!!

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (21)
  • Get Promotion

    You need to get the Trust from the Police Chief before you can investigate the Lake. The only way is to issue more tickets. Go to the Highway!!!

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (22)
  • Investigate the Polution

    Police Chief finally ask you to investigate on the Polution. You need to dive into the lake and take photo. Go get the Diving Suit from the Island.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (23)
  • Master Plan

    You have to sneak into the sewer after 9:00pm to capture the master plan.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (24)
  • Reverse the Machine

    Upgrade your swimming suit so you can get into the secret area. Reverse the machine to save the lake. And of course, put the bad guys to the jail.There is another ending that not put one of the person to the jail.

    Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (25)

The Other Ending

There are 2 ending is this story line. One is bring both bad guys to the jail. The other ending is at the following video.We saved one of the bad guy, and he is going to live at the shore.

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Story #4 - Mayor Race

Mr. Pemberton Jr. is going for the Mayor. If he won the race, he will destory the campsite. Sasquatch has to save it!!!

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The following is step by step walkthrough

Scroll the following to go to different location.

Sub QuestsSecret Cache, Fishing, Dug Holes, Camera Club, Rabbit Runs , and etc.
JobsWhat to know what Jobs that Sasquatch can do?
Tips and TricksTricks and Tips that want help you from the game.


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Sneaky Sasquatch : Main Story Quests - Map, Corporate, Park Pollution (2025)


How to solve Lake pollution sneaky sasquatch? ›

Sasquatch becomes a police detective to solve this crime. Dive into the lake and swim to the Lake's left side to find the pipe polluting the water. Take a picture of it as evidence. After you finish this chapter, the lake clears and can't be polluted again, even if you revert the pumps again.

What is the code for the R Corp sewer in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

The code for R Corp cellar is 3371 (you can guess it by the fingerprints on the buttons).

Can you get fired in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

General tips. It is not possible to be fired, regardless how many tasks you fail or how many days you skip. To know the names and locations of other employees, you will receive an Employee Handbook. It contains portraits of the employees and the floors they work on.

What happens if you don't feed your dog in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

Just like Sasquatch, the dog loses 2 hunger points each night and more during the day. If the dog is starving, the progress if the current heart will reset to zero. But the dog will never lose levels and the corresponding abilities.

How do you clean up Lake pollution? ›

Diverting stormwater runoff to the ground. Keeping yard waste out of storm drains, and off lakes and streets. Picking up and disposing of pet waste in the trash. Dredging the lake to remove sediment, trash, dead vegetation, sludge, sewage and other debris.

What happens if you call 911 in sneaky sasquatch? ›

Trivia. If you call an emergency number, it will trigger Ranger Danger, but in some areas they will say that they were unable to determine your position, and wish you luck. This does not spend cellphone minutes, but you still need to pay a coin in a pay phone. It is assumed that Sasquatch cannot talk.

What happens when you don't eat Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

If Sasquatch stays with a completely empty stomach for several minutes, he falls unconscious and is dragged back to the house by the raccoon as well. The raccoon feeds Sasquatch 2 hunger points, so Sasquatch pays 20 coins or all coins if Sasquatch has less than 20 coins.

What happens if you eat the talking fish in sneaky sasquatch? ›

Catching the Talking Fish is required to get a piece of the Treasure Map, but it cannot be given to either fisher (and does not count towards progress with them), eaten, or sold to Bear.

Can you steal food from the port sneaky sasquatch? ›

Stealing from the port

Food and lumber can be stolen from normal-security warehouses. Oranges and coins are located in a high-security area, and are harder to steal. After each theft, the port goes on lockdown for several days, and Sasquatch can't work there or attempt another theft until it's lifted.

What is the end of Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

Final. Even if you won the fight, the Pembertons trick and capture you, and are going to reveal your identity to everyone. But Ranger and your human friends arrive and save you, revealing that they knew you're a Sasquatch long ago.

How do you get across the Lake in Sasquatch? ›

A Paddle is required to row canoes on the Lake, which is the easiest way to get across and reach the Maze. It can be purchased from Raccoon Shop for 50 coins. A camper on the northern dock of the Lake mentions a paddle in their dialogue.

What happens if you run out of oxygen in sneaky sasquatch? ›

Job. The Scuba Duck appears if Sasquatch runs out of oxygen while scuba diving. It drags Sasquatch to the nearest shore and explains how to avoid such accidents. Then it says something about being in a rush, and dives back into the water.

How to get the map piece by the Lake in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

Take a canoe to the southern side of the Lake to get to the Maze. Pass the maze, and you find a Duck and a map piece in the bottom left corner.

What is a secret cache in sneaky sasquatch? ›

Secret caches are red chests which are hidden in various places. They have coins inside when first collected. These coins do not respawn.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.