The Circleville Herald from Circleville, Ohio (2024)

I MEMORIAL DAY' FULL SERVICE Showers and thundershowers news, Central Press picture Rain HERALD Associated Press leased wire this afternoon and evening. service, leading columnists and THE CIRCLEVILLE for state, national and world High, 65-69. Low tonight, 50. artists, full local news coverHigh yesterday, 67; low, 52. age.

10c Per Copy 85th Year-128 Wednesday May 29, 1968 14 Pages Bobby Bombed, Nixon Wins Big in Oregon More Violence Rocks Louisville Despite Curfew LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) More than 150 persons were arrested and 15 others were injured Tuesday night as the second night of racial violence in Louisville was marked by hitand-run tactics of brick throwers and sporadic sniper fire. National Guardsmen aided police in the city's West. End, a predominantly Negro section where rioting erupted Monday night and resumed Tuesday afternoon and night. Three persons hit by gunfire during Tuesday night's disorders were reported serious condition.

A policeman was also all hit by a gunshot. He was reported in good condition. Three firemen and three guardsmen were admitted to the hospital. One fireman suffered from smoke inhalation. The others were struck by thrown glass and rocks.

Twenty persons were injured Monday night, including four gunshot victims. Police Chief C. J. Hyde said Tuesday's violence was more intense than Monday "from a standpoint of hit-and-run tactics." He said the 8 p.m. curfew imposed Tuesday by Mayor Kenneth Schmied increased the (do primary battle again next Tuesday--and where the Oregon surprise is likely to echo.

Richard M. Nixon scored a 72 per cent runaway on the Republican ballot, and said that showing virtually eliminated the possibility that his drive for the GOP presidential nomination could be derailed. The derailing was done on the number of arrests. Hyde said police policy was "to arrest all violators of any kind." "By this method and a show of force at an early stage, we have been abie to control the situation to the extent that there was no large gathering," he added. A decision on whether to impose a curfew tonight on this city of 400,000 was to be made today by Schmied.

Lt. Col. Bert Hawkins, Hyde's assistant, said the heaviest instance of sniper fire was encountered by police protecting firemen. "Snipers opened up on the firemen and the policemen with them. The police weren't able to pinpoint the location of the snipers but a car sped away shortly after the firing stopped." Keeping Score On the Rainfall Rainfall for a 24 Hour Period Ending at 8 a.

.11 Actual for May to 12.27 Normal for May to 3.45 AHEAD 8.82 INCHES Actual Normal since January 1.. 22.48 since January 1... 16.68 River .20.04 Sunrise. 6:07 8:52 War pockets in Gia Dinh, on the northern side of the city, and retaken two thirds of the Phu Lam residential area on the southwest side of the city. In Phu Lam, four miles from downtown Saigon, government marines were advancing from the south while rangers pushed in from the north, trying to dig out a Viet Cong force strengthened by 100 or more ments during the night.

U.S. gunship helicopters fired rockets into buildings from which enemy snipers were laying down sharp barrages of small arms and rocket fire into PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy has scored an Oregon upset to refuel his campaign for the White House, and Sen.

Robert F. Kennedy has conceded defeat in a Democratic presidential primary at once said he could not afford to lose. The Democratic rivais turned today to California where they Deer Creek Dam Controls Flood Water The Deer Creeek Reservoir, a flood control project of the Army Corps of Engineers, has had its first real test and has come through with flying colors. Flooding along Deer Creek did not reach the disaster proportions of the Salt Creek flood. The gates were closed at the reservoir and this morning at 8 a.m.

the pool elevation was 883.70 feet above sea level. An estimated 4,000 acres of water is. impounded at the reservoir today. The depth of the water is estimated at 60 feet by the resident engineer there. Draw down of the reservoir will begin when the Scioto River crests at Portsmouth and will continue until a pool elevation of 805 feet above sea level is reached.

This will leave an impoundment of approximately 1,000 aares. The maximum flood control pool elevation is 844 feet. See Setback For LBJ Again WASHINGTON (AP) Odds appear solid the House will deal President Johnson another setback in his budget battle with Congress by echoing the Senate's demand that he cut spending by $6 billion if he wants a tax hike. The test was to come today on a motion by Rep. James A.

Burke, to reopen the House-Senate conference talks that produced agreement on 3 package combining a $10 billion tax increase with the $6 billion spending slash. Burke's move is a bid to get the House to demand a maximum $4 billion cut. Johnson has called the $6 billion figure too high but has indicated he would go along with $4 bilhon. Dayton Sister Dies in Hospital CINCINNATI (AP) Sister Agnes Elizabeth. SND, principal of Holy Trinity School at Dayton, died here Tuesday night at Good Samaritan Hospital.

Inmate a Suicide COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)-The sheriff's department said a 17- year old prisoner in the county jail hanged himself Tuesday night in his cell, using a belt. The coroner ruled suicide in the death of Robert Paskins of Columbus, who was jailed May 17 on an auto theft charge. Vietnam SAIGON (AP) South Vietnamese troops battled Viet Cong holdouts today on the southwest side of Saigon as the U.S. Marines reported hurling back two massive North Vietnamese assaults near Khe Sanh, The Marines said they killed 230 of the enemy. "The war has intensified," said Gen.

William C. Westmoreland, "but the enemy is not doing well militarily. They've had no military victories." After four days of hard fighting on the outskirts of Saigon, the South Vietnamese said they had, wiped out the last Viet Cong Democratic side, where Carthy was capturing 44 per cent of the vote to Kennedy's 38 per cent. McCarthy said that should silence people who question his credentials as a real contender for the nomination, and have asked whether he will wind up supporting Kennedy or Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey.

Firemen were constantly active Tuesday night as dozens of real and false alarms were reported. All off-duty firemen were recalled Monday night. Louisville's 578-man police force is working 12-hour shifts with days off canceied. Some 1,200 National Guardsmen, mobilized by Gov. Louie B.

Nunn, and 150 state troopers remained in Louisville today. 2nd Girl Dies In OSU Fire; Seek Motive COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)-Miss Retta D. Foster, 22, of Colorado Springs, died in University Hospital today, second death victim of a fire which ravaged the 11th floor of 24-floor Lincoln Tower dormitory at Ohio State University last Wednesday. Miss Pamela Sue Patterson, 18, a freshman of Ludlow Falls, Miami County, succumbed to smoke inhalation shortly after the fire swept through the six suites on the fioor. The second death came only a day after Eugene Jewell, head of the arson bureau of the state fire marshal's office, said the blaze which injured 14 other coeds was "a set fire." He said investigators were still seeking a motive.

University hospital authorities said Miss Foster's death came at 7:30 a.m. and was due to "complications arising from smoke inhalation." The official said the coroner's office is expected to issue a ruling on the exact cause of death. With Miss Foster's death, only two other coeds remain in the hospital, Marjorie Burnett of Ravenna and Diana Pollitt of Bedford Heights. Both are in satisfactory condition. Jewell's report confirmed what university officials had indicated shortly after the firethat it had been deliberately set.

University officials said the fire was a carbon copy of a fire May 10 in Morrili Tower, a twin dormitory. There were no injuries in the Morrill fire and no official report has yet been released on its cause. State Sen. Anthony 0. Calabrese, Cleveland Democrat, called Tuesday for an investigation of the fires by the SenateHouse Public Improvement Inspection Committee.

Intensifies; street intersections. South Vietnamese officers said one VC prisoner indicated that the infiltrators had taken heavy casualties, possibly up to 50 per cent in two days of clashes. But two South Vietnamese troops Merthe killed and 10 wounded first few hours of fighting this morning. The government radio reported more than 100 Viet Cong killed in the last few days around Gia Dinh. A captured Viet Cong document unveiled by the U.S.

Command exhorted the guerrillas to work for "more striking and more decisive, victories" to Humphrey was an absent beneficiary of Kennedy's Oregon setback, even though he never set a campaigning foot in the state. The Democratic decision awarded McCarthy 35 nominating votes, while Nixon captured 18 GOP delegates. The primary binds them for two ballots, until released, or until the winners (fail to secure 35 per cent of the convention vote. The Oregon count was proceeding slowly as votes were cast on a crowded ballot bigger than a newspaper page. This was the Democratic lineup with 1,787 of 2,599 precincts counted: McCarthy 81,188 for 44 per cent; Kennedy 70,645 for 38 per cent, Johnson 23,649 or 13 per cent, Humphrey 9,755, or 5 per cent.

Nixon's overwhelming vote read this way:" Nixon 110,512 for 72 per cent, California Gov. Ronald Reagan 33,763, or 22 per cent, New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller 8,236 write-in votes for 5 per cent. In another Democratic race, Sen.

Wayne Morse was leading, but narrowly, in his bid for renomination. He had 48 per cent of the vote to 47 per cent for rival Robert B. Duncan, a former House member. The count was 90,961 votes for Morse, 89,260 for Duncan. Nixon scored his Republican victory in the face of the most vigorous rivalry he has encoun- Hope Fading for A -Sub, 99 Men RELIEF FOR LAURELVILLE Keith Wagner, left, Ben Temple and Kenneth Crabtree of the General Telephone Co.

load a truck with food and clothing for the flood-stricken residents Laurelville. The items were donated by the WSCS of the First EUB Church. Refuse Hauler, Attorney Walk Out of Dump Hearing Attorney Ailan Berger and his client, Larry Mets, dropped a bombshell in the dump injunction hearing Tuesday, when they got up in of proceedings yesterday afternoon and stormed from the Common Pleas Courtroom. Berger told the court that he and his client had been harassed so much during the hearing that they could stand no more. Berger said that as of "1:31 p.m., Larry Mets is closing the dump on the Dr.

John Bowers farm and is no longer hauling refuse and garbage." He requested the judge to issue an entry of consent to closing the dump. Judge William Ammer declined pending completion of the hearing. HOWEVER Mets said today that he is still servicing his customers and is hauling their trash. He emphasized that he was phasing out the dump operation on the Bowers farm. The dump is in the flood piain of the Scioto River.

Witnesses testifying for the state during the hearing have maintained that debris from the dump is deposited on land Scattered Action A U.S. spokesman said allied in forces have killed more than 3,000 North Vietnamese along the demilitarized zone since May 1, about a third of them in the past four days. The big battle two miles southeast of Khe Sanh combat base was touched off when the North Vietnamese twice probed Marine positions before dawn Tuesday. After the second probe, 400 enemy troops throwing rocket-propelled grenades and satchel charges attacked the Marines under the cover of heavy artillery barrages. The attack was repulsed but the North Vietnamese re- tered since Michigan Gov.

George Romney dropped his candidacy. Neither Reagan nor Rockefeller entered the state, and the New Yorker's name was not on the ballot. But well-financed drives, concentrating on television and voter canvasses, were waged for both absentees. (Continued on Page 2) Keaton Faces Electric Chair June 7 Emanuel Nadlin, attorney for convicted slayer Cleo Vernon Keaton, today asked Pickaway County Common Pleas Judge William Ammer to dismiss a motion for a post conviction hearing. The fate of Keaton, sentenced to die in the electric chair June 7, is mow in the hands of Governor James Rhoades.

1 It is within his power to commute the sentence. Nadlin told the Herald today he had "no comment" for publication. In court, he sald that he had held a complete and thorough discussion with his client at the Ohio Penitentiary and arrived at the decision to ask the hearing be dismissed. KEATON was convicted by a Pickaway County Common Pleas Jury in November, 1965, of the slaying of Maurice (Continued on Page 2) Roundtown SALTCREEK Vally Bank, which was flooded by the recent rains, is expected to be open for business by Saturday with full services resumed by Monday, according to the bank vice president. OVERWHELMING response by Pickaway County residents to the disaster situation in Laurelville has provided more than enough clothing for flood victims, village officials said.

The residents have all the clothing they need now, and authorities say that food and cleaning supplies are presently needed more than anything else National Guard troops are making regular trips from the Franklin St. armory in Circleville to the village with needed supplies Anyone who can contribute either food or cleaning supplies is asked to take them to the local armory. ENDURE Once again the weatherman has forecast showers for the rain-sodden Roundtown area At the same time he promises no rain on the 9:30 a.m. parade Thursday The forecast is for a mostly sunny and warm day. Report ter the bargaining position of North Vietnam's negotiators Paris.

Allied intelligence reports indicate that 17 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese battalions have been assigned to harass Saigon and its suburbs during the talks. A full enemy battalion normaily means 400 troops but government intelligence sources say some of these batti Zions may be down to fewer than 100 men after severe losses in the enemy's February Tet offensive. Along South Vietnam's northern frontier, fighting also continued for the fifth straight day. Navy Armada Still Searches; Weather Bad WASHINGTON (AP) The Navy today reported the sightof an unidentified orange object north of an Atlantic slick which has thus far been the only clue as to the possible whereabouts of the missing submarine Scorpion and its crew Facing more nasty weather today, 40 U.S. Navy ships and submarines and 16 patrol aircraft headed into a third day searching thousands of miles -churned Atlantic waters.

So far the round-the-clock search has produced not a single reliable ciue to the whereabouts of the missing Scorpion. "We had hoped something would show by Tuesday morning, the day after she was ported overdue," one Navy cer said. "We're still trying, but we're getting pessimistic." Capt. Walter N. Dietzen submarine warfare expert, newsmen the Scorpion--whether disabled on the surface or some survivable depth-should have been able to communicate by Tuesday.

Pentagon officials said were evaluating a British teur radio operator's report claiming to have monitored -to-ship conversation involving the Scorpion. Navy sources said their checks suggested report was groundless. According to the Pentagon, John Greyson of Barnoldswick, Yorkshire, told a constable heard distinctly American voice in what seemed to distress call from Scorpion" the 2.5 meter band Monday morning, London time. The Pentagon said the call portedly indicated "that ship was having some kind condenser trouble and was tempting to return to its base." The Navy had about 100 cifically trained deep divers alert in Washington and Diego, for possible gency use if the sub were ed in shallow enough water. Dietzen, deputy director submarine warfare, indicated the crew could survive for er than 70 days if the nuclear reactor continued to work the skipper took certain ures to conserve the strength.

Dietzen said surface craft could probably detect presence of the Scorpion on (Continued on Page 2) William Stepp Is Acquitted DAYTON. Ohio (AP)-A jury acquitted William E. Stepp, 33, Dayton, of armed robbery and assault charges Tuesday during the sixth day of his trial in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court. The charges were filed Feb. 9 after Michael Rentas, 24, Beavercreek, claimed he was robbed and severely beaten by Stepp.

Assistant prosecutor Walter Dodsworth contended that Stepp attacked Rentas, a part time student at Sinclair College here, at Stepp's home. Stepp's attorneys maintained that Rentas fell through a glass door and injured himself after a fight with Stepp. oil of of of reoffi- a told at they ama- a the he be: on rethe of at- downstream every time the river floods. Mets, meeting with missioners informally today, said it was time the Board of Health, commissioners, dump operators and trash haulers go together and begin cooperating. "I don't intend to quit hauling," he said.

"But if I have to dump at the Barthelmas site I will be forced out of business," he claimed. He has discussed the possibility of operating a landfill operation in a suitable location with county commissioners. However, the county have not committed themselves in any dump operation yet. BERGER said yesterday they would comply by any order of the court which resulted from the hearing. Berger said if Mets quit hauling rubbish, would be another Paris," referring to the strike of France that paralyzed solid waste disposal operations in the city.

One observer in the courtroom termed Berger's action as a move to "blackmail" the court into keeping the dump open. In addition to his route for private residents, Mets also hauls solid refuse from several local industrial plants. Berger and Mets left the hearings before presenting any (Continued on Page 2) speon San emerlocat- of long- and meascrews' search the the grouped and charged again. U.S. helicopter gunships swept down to attack the charging North Vietnamese, and later 200 Marine reinforcements and U.S.

tanks joined in. As the combined Marine force pursued the North Vietnamese on foot, U.S. artillery raked enemy positions and fighter-bombers overhead contributed bombs and 20mm cannon fire. Marine spokesmen said the North Vietnamese withdrew Tuesday night, covering their retreat with a blanket of artillery fire. Thirteen Marines were killed and 44 wounded, the U.S.

Command said..

The Circleville Herald from Circleville, Ohio (2024)
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